Diversity calculation


Masatoshi Katabuchi


November 11, 2024

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Course materials for 2024-11-10 AFEC at XTBG.

1 Objectives

  • Prepare species \(\times\) site matrices and trait data from csv files.
  • Calculate diversity indices.

2 Prerequisites

Clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/mattocci27/phy-fun-div.git

The following command (probably) installs all the R packages required for this course.


Otherwise, please install those packages manually without using renv (I might miss some packages).


Load some packages.


3 Data

3.1 Community

First, we import the community data.

d <- read_csv("data/samp.csv")
  • I prefer read_csv but read.csv is fine too.
  • Our working directory is phy-fun-div, and the relative path to samp.csv is data/samp.csv.

We can also use here package to specify the absolute path to the file.

[1] "/Users/mattocci/Dropbox/5-Tools/ghq/github.com/mattocci27/phy-fun-div/data/samp.csv"
d <- read_csv(here::here("data/samp.csv"))

but don’t do this:

d <- read_csv("/Users/mattocci/Dropbox/5-Tools/ghq/github.com/mattocci27/phy-fun-div/data/samp.csv")

because absolute paths will be different on different computers (lack of reproducibility). It is also uncomfortable to make file system structure public (security risk).

Now let’s look at the community data.

# A tibble: 40 × 3
   Site  Species                abund
   <chr> <chr>                  <dbl>
 1 Site1 Illicium_macranthum        1
 2 Site1 Manglietia_insignis        0
 3 Site1 Michelia_floribunda        0
 4 Site1 Beilschmiedia_robusta      0
 5 Site1 Neolitsea_chuii            0
 6 Site1 Lindera_thomsonii          0
 7 Site1 Actinodaphne_forrestii     0
 8 Site1 Machilus_yunnanensis       0
 9 Site2 Illicium_macranthum        1
10 Site2 Manglietia_insignis        2
# ℹ 30 more rows

Then, we want to make a species \(\times\) site matrix. tapply is a useful function here.

tapply(d$abund, d$Species, sum)
Actinodaphne_forrestii  Beilschmiedia_robusta    Illicium_macranthum 
                     4                      2                      5 
     Lindera_thomsonii   Machilus_yunnanensis    Manglietia_insignis 
                     5                      2                      3 
   Michelia_floribunda        Neolitsea_chuii 
                     2                      1 
samp <- tapply(d$abund, list(d$Site, d$Species), sum)
      Actinodaphne_forrestii Beilschmiedia_robusta Illicium_macranthum
Site1                      0                     0                   1
Site2                      0                     2                   1
Site3                      2                     0                   1
Site4                      2                     0                   1
Site5                      0                     0                   1
      Lindera_thomsonii Machilus_yunnanensis Manglietia_insignis
Site1                 0                    0                   0
Site2                 0                    0                   2
Site3                 2                    2                   0
Site4                 2                    0                   1
Site5                 1                    0                   0
      Michelia_floribunda Neolitsea_chuii
Site1                   0               0
Site2                   2               0
Site3                   0               0
Site4                   0               0
Site5                   0               1
[1] "matrix" "array" 

3.2 Phylogeny

phylo <- read.tree("data/dummy_tree.newick")

3.3 Traits

Abbreviation Trait Unit
LMA Leaf mass per area g m-2
LL Leaf lifespans (longevity) months
Amass Maximum photosynthetic rates per unit mass nnoml g-1 s-1
Rmass Dark respiration rates per unit mass nnoml g-1 s-1
Nmass Leaf nitrogen per unit mass %
Pmass Leaf phosphorus per unit mass %
WD Wood density g cm-3
SM Seed dry mass mg
trait <- read_csv("data/dummy_trait.csv")


3.4 Check how traits look like first

trait_long <- trait |>
  pivot_longer(lma:sm, names_to = "trait")

# A tibble: 616 × 3
   sp                     trait   value
   <chr>                  <chr>   <dbl>
 1 Acer_campbellii        lma    145.  
 2 Acer_campbellii        ll       2.17
 3 Acer_campbellii        a_mass  70.3 
 4 Acer_campbellii        r_mass   5.35
 5 Acer_campbellii        n_mass   1.48
 6 Acer_campbellii        p_mass   0.09
 7 Acer_campbellii        wd       0.68
 8 Acer_campbellii        sm       0.87
 9 Actinodaphne_forrestii lma     49.0 
10 Actinodaphne_forrestii ll       2.59
# ℹ 606 more rows
ggplot(trait_long, aes(x = value)) +
  geom_histogram(position = "identity") +
  facet_wrap(~ trait, scale = "free") +

Probably we can do log-transformation for all the traits except for WD.

trait2 <- trait |>
    across(c(lma, ll, a_mass, r_mass, n_mass, p_mass, sm),
       ~ log(.),
        .names = "log_{.col}")) |>
  dplyr::select(sp, log_lma, log_ll, log_a_mass, log_r_mass, log_n_mass, log_p_mass, wd, log_sm)

trait2 |>
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ round(., 2))) |>
trait2 |>
  pivot_longer(log_lma:log_sm, names_to = "trait") |>
  ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
  geom_histogram(position = "identity") +
  facet_wrap(~ trait, scale = "free") +

4 First-order metrics (without phylogeny or traits)

4.1 Species richness

samp > 0
      Actinodaphne_forrestii Beilschmiedia_robusta Illicium_macranthum
Site1                  FALSE                 FALSE                TRUE
Site2                  FALSE                  TRUE                TRUE
Site3                   TRUE                 FALSE                TRUE
Site4                   TRUE                 FALSE                TRUE
Site5                  FALSE                 FALSE                TRUE
      Lindera_thomsonii Machilus_yunnanensis Manglietia_insignis
Site1             FALSE                FALSE               FALSE
Site2             FALSE                FALSE                TRUE
Site3              TRUE                 TRUE               FALSE
Site4              TRUE                FALSE                TRUE
Site5              TRUE                FALSE               FALSE
      Michelia_floribunda Neolitsea_chuii
Site1               FALSE           FALSE
Site2                TRUE           FALSE
Site3               FALSE           FALSE
Site4               FALSE           FALSE
Site5               FALSE            TRUE
apply(samp > 0, 1, sum)
Site1 Site2 Site3 Site4 Site5 
    1     4     4     4     3 

4.2 Shannon

\(H' = - \sum_i^n p_i\mathrm{log}p_i\), where \(p_i\) is the relative abundance for species i.

shannon <- function(abund) {
  p0 <- abund / sum(abund)
  p <- p0[p0 > 0]
  -sum(p * log(p))
apply(samp, 1, shannon)
   Site1    Site2    Site3    Site4    Site5 
0.000000 1.351784 1.351784 1.329661 1.098612 

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

vegan::diversity(samp, index = "shannon")
   Site1    Site2    Site3    Site4    Site5 
0.000000 1.351784 1.351784 1.329661 1.098612 

4.3 Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS)

res_mds <- metaMDS(samp)
Run 0 stress 0 
Run 1 stress 0 
... Procrustes: rmse 0.06405868  max resid 0.09198237 
Run 2 stress 0 
... Procrustes: rmse 0.07474537  max resid 0.114016 
Run 3 stress 9.92479e-05 
... Procrustes: rmse 0.1288527  max resid 0.1986298 
Run 4 stress 0.1302441 
Run 5 stress 0.259715 
Run 6 stress 0.09680971 
Run 7 stress 0.09681003 
Run 8 stress 0.1302441 
Run 9 stress 0.1302441 
Run 10 stress 0.09680977 
Run 11 stress 0 
... Procrustes: rmse 0.01646437  max resid 0.02492915 
Run 12 stress 0.1302441 
Run 13 stress 0 
... Procrustes: rmse 0.08455785  max resid 0.1026221 
Run 14 stress 5.686353e-05 
... Procrustes: rmse 0.1288297  max resid 0.1985397 
Run 15 stress 0.1302441 
Run 16 stress 0 
... Procrustes: rmse 0.1199962  max resid 0.1742123 
Run 17 stress 0 
... Procrustes: rmse 0.1006567  max resid 0.1626854 
Run 18 stress 0.1302441 
Run 19 stress 9.263808e-05 
... Procrustes: rmse 0.128874  max resid 0.1986345 
Run 20 stress 0.2297529 
*** Best solution was not repeated -- monoMDS stopping criteria:
     9: stress < smin
     4: stress ratio > sratmax
     7: scale factor of the gradient < sfgrmin

We can use the function ordiplot and orditorp to add text to the plot in place of points to make some more sense.

ordiplot(res_mds, type = "n")
orditorp(res_mds, display = "species", col = "red", air = 0.01)
orditorp(res_mds, display = "sites", cex = 1.25, air = 0.01)

5 Phylogenetic metrics

5.1 Branch length based metric

5.1.1 PD

res_pd <- pd(samp, phylo)
            PD SR
Site1 1.000000  1
Site2 3.022727  4
Site3 2.909091  4
Site4 3.136364  4
Site5 2.454545  3

You can always see the help.


5.2 Distance based metric

cophenetic() creates distance matrices based on phylogenetic trees. Let’s see the first 5 species.

cophenetic(phylo)[1:5, 1:5]
                    Acer_campbellii Melia_toosendan Skimmia_arborescens
Acer_campbellii           0.0000000      0.18181818          0.18181818
Melia_toosendan           0.1818182      0.00000000          0.09090909
Skimmia_arborescens       0.1818182      0.09090909          0.00000000
Rhus_sylvestris           0.3636364      0.36363636          0.36363636
Sterculia_nobilis         0.5454545      0.54545455          0.54545455
                    Rhus_sylvestris Sterculia_nobilis
Acer_campbellii           0.3636364         0.5454545
Melia_toosendan           0.3636364         0.5454545
Skimmia_arborescens       0.3636364         0.5454545
Rhus_sylvestris           0.0000000         0.5454545
Sterculia_nobilis         0.5454545         0.0000000

5.2.1 MPD

\(MPD = \frac{1}{n} \Sigma^n_i \Sigma^n_j \delta_{i,j} \; i \neq j\), where \(\delta_{i, j}\) is the pairwise distance between species i and j

res_mpd <- mpd(samp, cophenetic(phylo))
[1]       NA 1.568182 1.454545 1.606061 1.636364

The above vector shows MPD for each site.

5.2.2 MNTD

\(MNTD = \frac{1}{n} \Sigma^n_i min \delta_{i,j} \; i \neq j\), where \(min \delta_{i, j}\) is the minimum distance between species i and all other species in the community.

res_mntd <- mntd(samp, cophenetic(phylo))
[1]       NA 1.181818 1.181818 1.295455 1.272727

6 Functional metrics

6.1 Community weighted means (CWM)

\[ \mathrm{CWM}_i = \frac{\sum_{j=1}^n a_{ij} \times t_{j}}{\sum_{j=1}^n a_{ij}} \]


\[ \mathrm{CWM}_i = \frac{\vec{a_i} \cdot \vec{t}}{\sum_{j=1}^n a_{ij}}, \]

where \(a_{ij}\) is the abundance of species j in community i, and \(t_{j}\) is a trait value of species j.

tmp <- trait2 |>
  filter(sp %in% colnames(samp))

# A tibble: 8 × 9
  sp           log_lma  log_ll log_a_mass log_r_mass log_n_mass log_p_mass    wd
  <chr>          <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>
1 Actinodaphn…    3.89  0.952        5.70       4.26     1.32       -1.83   0.69
2 Beilschmied…    3.06  1.02         5.44       3.57     2.05       -0.478  0.46
3 Illicium_ma…    4.79 -0.329        4.50       2.01    -0.0943     -3.22   0.78
4 Lindera_tho…    3.87 -0.693        6.16       3.78     1.57       -1.43   0.59
5 Machilus_yu…    3.85  1.30         5.86       2.92     0.747      -0.416  0.48
6 Manglietia_…    4.90  1.39         4.61       3.22    -0.416      -2.81   0.83
7 Michelia_fl…    4.47  1.13         4.68       2.64     0.944      -2.04   0.43
8 Neolitsea_c…    3.80 -0.0202       4.75       3.53     0.888      -0.844  0.56
# ℹ 1 more variable: log_sm <dbl>
(ab <- apply(samp, 1, sum))
Site1 Site2 Site3 Site4 Site5 
    1     7     7     6     3 
# %*% denotes inner product
(cws <- samp %*% as.matrix(tmp[, -1]))
        log_lma     log_ll log_a_mass log_r_mass  log_n_mass log_p_mass   wd
Site1  4.789407 -0.3285041   4.501475   2.006871 -0.09431068  -3.218876 0.78
Site2 29.657500  6.7453287  33.955456  20.844958  5.06301056 -13.882211 4.22
Site3 27.999275  2.7834436  39.948369  23.936371  7.18513497 -10.569302 4.30
Site4 25.213325  1.5748117  32.833779  21.304242  5.27624363 -12.551682 4.17
Site5 12.456989 -1.0418540  15.414409   9.324552  2.36219650  -5.489962 1.93
Site1  0.7080358
Site2 -2.3807632
Site3  4.5217803
Site4  3.8234293
Site5  2.5542834
(cwm <- cws / ab)
       log_lma     log_ll log_a_mass log_r_mass  log_n_mass log_p_mass
Site1 4.789407 -0.3285041   4.501475   2.006871 -0.09431068  -3.218876
Site2 4.236786  0.9636184   4.850779   2.977851  0.72328722  -1.983173
Site3 3.999896  0.3976348   5.706910   3.419482  1.02644785  -1.509900
Site4 4.202221  0.2624686   5.472297   3.550707  0.87937394  -2.091947
Site5 4.152330 -0.3472847   5.138136   3.108184  0.78739883  -1.829987
             wd     log_sm
Site1 0.7800000  0.7080358
Site2 0.6028571 -0.3401090
Site3 0.6142857  0.6459686
Site4 0.6950000  0.6372382
Site5 0.6433333  0.8514278

The species \(\times\) site matrix and the species \(\times\) trait matrix became the trait \(\times\) site matrix.

6.2 Distance based metrics

6.2.1 Prepare a trait distance matrix

We have a data.fame or tibble object of traits. First, we need to prepare a trait matrix, then a distance matrix based on trait values.

trait_mat0 <- as.matrix(trait2[, -1])
rownames(trait_mat0) <- trait2$sp

Let’s see a subset of the trait matrix

trait_mat0[1:5, 1:5]
                        log_lma    log_ll log_a_mass log_r_mass log_n_mass
Acer_campbellii        4.973556 0.7747272   4.252630   1.677097  0.3920421
Actinodaphne_forrestii 3.891412 0.9516579   5.701881   4.256180  1.3244190
Alnus_nepalensis       5.088707 3.1780538   3.018960   2.175887  0.2776317
Anneslea_fragrans      4.144721 0.9042182   5.183972   3.556205  1.2059708
Beilschmiedia_robusta  3.062456 1.0224509   5.442418   3.566147  2.0502702

Then, we will make a trait distance matrix based on the Euclidean distance. There are other distance measures, for example Gower’s Distance, but we focus on the Euclidean distance today.

Before calculating distance, we need to make sure the unit change in distances is the same for different traits. We will scale trait values so that they have mean = 0 and SD = 1. (e.g., \((X_i - \mu) / \sigma\))

# (trait_mat0 - mean(trait_mat0)) / sd(trait_mat0)
trait_mat <- scale(trait_mat0)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
hist(trait_mat0[, "log_lma"])
hist(trait_mat[, "log_lma"])
hist(trait_mat0[, "wd"])
hist(trait_mat[, "wd"])

par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

Now we can make a trait distance matrix.

trait_dm <- as.matrix(dist(trait_mat))

Let’s see the first 5 species.

trait_dm[1:5, 1:5]
                       Acer_campbellii Actinodaphne_forrestii Alnus_nepalensis
Acer_campbellii               0.000000               4.043670         3.191609
Actinodaphne_forrestii        4.043670               0.000000         5.272279
Alnus_nepalensis              3.191609               5.272279         0.000000
Anneslea_fragrans             3.430633               2.431268         3.992029
Beilschmiedia_robusta         5.258920               3.064649         6.412475
                       Anneslea_fragrans Beilschmiedia_robusta
Acer_campbellii                 3.430633              5.258920
Actinodaphne_forrestii          2.431268              3.064649
Alnus_nepalensis                3.992029              6.412475
Anneslea_fragrans               0.000000              4.029059
Beilschmiedia_robusta           4.029059              0.000000

6.2.2 MPD (Mean Pairwise Distance)

mpd(samp, trait_dm)
[1]       NA 4.269375 3.797902 3.766172 3.876694
ses.mpd(samp, trait_dm)
      ntaxa  mpd.obs mpd.rand.mean mpd.rand.sd mpd.obs.rank   mpd.obs.z
Site1     1       NA           NaN          NA           NA          NA
Site2     4 4.269375      3.794488   0.7392780          773  0.64236659
Site3     4 3.797902      3.788524   0.7297932          548  0.01285074
Site4     4 3.766172      3.794574   0.7478919          534 -0.03797657
Site5     3 3.876694      3.740586   0.8541511          600  0.15934881
      mpd.obs.p runs
Site1        NA  999
Site2     0.773  999
Site3     0.548  999
Site4     0.534  999
Site5     0.600  999

Effect size (ES)

\[ ES = \frac{\bar{x_1} - \bar{x_2}}{\sigma} \sim Normal(\bar{x_1} - \bar{x_2}, 1) \]

where \(\bar{x_1}\) is the mean value of \(x_1\), \(\bar{x_2}\) is the mean value of \(x_2\), and \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation of the pooled data.

In null model analyses, we can translate this into a standardized effect size (SES):

\[ SES = \frac{obs - \bar{rand}}{\sigma_{rand}} \]

where obs is the observed metric, \(\bar{rand}\) is the mean value of the metric in null communities, and \(\sigma_{rand}\) is the standard deviation of the metric in the null communities.

6.2.3 MNTD (Mean Nearest Taxon Distance)

mntd(samp, trait_dm)
[1]       NA 2.832669 3.265097 2.583548 3.255192
ses.mntd(samp, trait_dm)
      ntaxa mntd.obs mntd.rand.mean mntd.rand.sd mntd.obs.rank  mntd.obs.z
Site1     1       NA            NaN           NA            NA          NA
Site2     4 2.832669       2.846540    0.5349929           500 -0.02592702
Site3     4 3.265097       2.843900    0.5498952           784  0.76595887
Site4     4 2.583548       2.875859    0.5559363           312 -0.52579887
Site5     3 3.255192       3.167127    0.7405363           577  0.11892086
      mntd.obs.p runs
Site1         NA  999
Site2      0.500  999
Site3      0.784  999
Site4      0.312  999
Site5      0.577  999

6.3 Branch length based metric

6.3.1 FD

We will make a functional dendrogram using clustering methods. We use UPGMA in this example.

t_clust <- hclust(dist(trait_mat), method = "average")


6.3.2 More functional diversity metrics

res_fd <- dbFD(trait_mat[colnames(samp), ], samp)
FEVe: Could not be calculated for communities with <3 functionally singular species. 
FDis: Equals 0 in communities with only one functionally singular species. 
FRic: To respect s > t, FRic could not be calculated for communities with <3 functionally singular species. 
FRic: Dimensionality reduction was required. The last 5 PCoA axes (out of 7 in total) were removed. 
FRic: Quality of the reduced-space representation = 0.7629008 
FDiv: Could not be calculated for communities with <3 functionally singular species. 
Site1 Site2 Site3 Site4 Site5 
    1     4     4     4     3 

Site1 Site2 Site3 Site4 Site5 
    1     4     4     4     3 

   Site1    Site2    Site3    Site4    Site5 
      NA 5.785538 7.361330 9.369238 5.730526 

[1] 0.7629008

    Site1     Site2     Site3     Site4     Site5 
       NA 0.9620749 0.7373963 0.8608372 0.9003555 

    Site1     Site2     Site3     Site4     Site5 
       NA 0.6775453 0.8282914 0.8719263 0.8388685 

   Site1    Site2    Site3    Site4    Site5 
0.000000 2.567056 2.322816 2.569872 2.423423 

   Site1    Site2    Site3    Site4    Site5 
0.000000 7.238587 5.863652 6.911377 6.047385 

         log_lma     log_ll  log_a_mass log_r_mass log_n_mass  log_p_mass
Site1  0.2791931 -1.6111593 -0.07500213 -0.6575852 -0.8276000 -1.13886265
Site2 -0.5637180 -0.5590237  0.29925577  0.5039931  0.1533945  0.20947284
Site3 -0.9250445 -1.0198867  1.21654596  1.0323130  0.5171416  0.72588358
Site4 -0.6164397 -1.1299484  0.96517252  1.1892973  0.3406750  0.09078414
Site5 -0.6925386 -1.6264517  0.60714064  0.6599096  0.2303187  0.37662100
               wd     log_sm
Site1  1.39116817  0.2736764
Site2 -0.08552707 -0.7968442
Site3  0.00974359  0.2102843
Site4  0.68259263  0.2013675
Site5  0.25188985  0.4201296